Mittwoch, 26. Dezember 2018
Preparation of clear apple juice
beekids, 16:05h
Our clear apple juice was produced from the RUBINETTE variety, which is crossed with COX ORANGE X ZLATI DELIŠES.
First we sorted the apples. For apple juice we selected apples with a diameter of less than 6 cm and damaged apples. We have prepared the best quality apple for sale.

Then all the apples were washed. Water was poured into a larger container and each box of apples washed separately. Apples were ready for grinding.

We milled the apples with an electric mill. We poured the apples into a mill, which was crushed into a pulp, which we intercepted in a plastic box.

We poured a apple pulp into a hydraulic press.

When the pressure rose, the apple pulp began to squeeze and, consequently, the juice began to flow.

Under the press we had containers in which we collected the juice. When the container was full, we poured the juice into a large bowl. There were 50 liters of apple juice.

On 50 liters of juice, we added 15 ml of fruit enzyme and 25 g of gelatin and 75 g of bentonite, which helps to clean the juice. We mixed all together and left in the container until the next morning.

The next morning, we decanted the juice, so we separated the sediment from the juice. We decanted it with a plastic tube.

Then, apple juice was filtered with a pad filter.

After filtration, the juice was pasteurized with pasteurisator. We destroyed all the microorganisms and thus prolong the storage life of apple juice.
Apple juice was ready for bottling.

The bottles with heated apple juice were immersed in cold water to cool it as quickly as possible. Then we put the bottles in a box.
Clear apple juice was ready for use.
First we sorted the apples. For apple juice we selected apples with a diameter of less than 6 cm and damaged apples. We have prepared the best quality apple for sale.

Then all the apples were washed. Water was poured into a larger container and each box of apples washed separately. Apples were ready for grinding.

We milled the apples with an electric mill. We poured the apples into a mill, which was crushed into a pulp, which we intercepted in a plastic box.

We poured a apple pulp into a hydraulic press.

When the pressure rose, the apple pulp began to squeeze and, consequently, the juice began to flow.

Under the press we had containers in which we collected the juice. When the container was full, we poured the juice into a large bowl. There were 50 liters of apple juice.

On 50 liters of juice, we added 15 ml of fruit enzyme and 25 g of gelatin and 75 g of bentonite, which helps to clean the juice. We mixed all together and left in the container until the next morning.

The next morning, we decanted the juice, so we separated the sediment from the juice. We decanted it with a plastic tube.

Then, apple juice was filtered with a pad filter.

After filtration, the juice was pasteurized with pasteurisator. We destroyed all the microorganisms and thus prolong the storage life of apple juice.
Apple juice was ready for bottling.

The bottles with heated apple juice were immersed in cold water to cool it as quickly as possible. Then we put the bottles in a box.
Clear apple juice was ready for use.
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