Mittwoch, 20. Juni 2018
6. day of Hamburger in Maribor 15.6.2018
This day will be a very intersting day because at this day we will make a eco market in front of the Maribor school.
Than we will having a workshop how to make candles.
And at afternoon we will carry out the market.

One poster at the school door.

Our products drove with horse and carriage to the school building from old stable where the production was.

After preparing the market we had a snack in the canteen from School and following a workshop to preparation candles from waste cooking oil.

A guy from Oilright explained why and how to make candles from waste cooking oil.

The first step is to filtered the waste oil and put two spoon of "magic powder" in.

The temperature in the microwave let dissolve the "magic powder" in the oil.

All is hot Hamburg, Maribor and the oil out from microwave.

After colouring and aroming the oil with "magic powder fill in the small container for cooling out.

At last step the cooler fluid got after two minutes the wick.
If you intersted in this kind of pruducing candles you get the necessary things on this webside:

After that workshop the students sell there products at the stall.

Our products was sell very fast and the people was very interested in the Erasmus+ Projekt.

After finished the market around 5:30 pm our students get free to visit maribor city.

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