Dienstag, 5. Juni 2018
Weatherdata May 2018 Hamburg
meadowkids.eu, 17:34h
Now the new weather report from Hamburg about may 2018.
the highest temperature in this may was 32 degree. In the last yeears e.g. last 20 years was the highest temperature 27 degrees. That are different about 5 degrees. It`s one more example of the extremly differents weatherphenoms in pasted years.




We can see how different the middle of data scale lies before 10 years near by 20 degrees. I the passt 10 years it was climbing average nearly two degree, so was the middle by 22 degree and than by 24 degree in the past years.
The coldest tempeartures 20 years ago around four degrees. Last year, a very weet year, we had at the beginning of the month temperature by and under zero degree. The other years only trough the months around 4 degree.




The middle of temperatures was around 8 degrees but the often under that line. Only in 2017 it was colder. But the tendency going up.
The hail was also a phenomenon. This may in 2018 wass very dry. We had only four days with high grad of rain.


In this year 2017 we had 13 days with hail. But it had not so high grad like this year 2018.

In the year 2007 we had 16 days of hail.
In 1997 and the years up to 2016 had more days with hail. Last year the hail lying in highest numbers around 14 Millimeter per squaremeters. Last year was one day with 32 mm. But the other days lying between 1 and 9 Millimeters. This year at the fiew days of hail there was only a maximum of 2 Millimeter per squaremeter.
We have a tendency to more dry years.
Lasst year we can`t planted our pumkinschoots before June because the nights had temperatures by night under 10 degrees. This year it was possible to planted in May. We where only late because of the examinations of our students.
the highest temperature in this may was 32 degree. In the last yeears e.g. last 20 years was the highest temperature 27 degrees. That are different about 5 degrees. It`s one more example of the extremly differents weatherphenoms in pasted years.




We can see how different the middle of data scale lies before 10 years near by 20 degrees. I the passt 10 years it was climbing average nearly two degree, so was the middle by 22 degree and than by 24 degree in the past years.
The coldest tempeartures 20 years ago around four degrees. Last year, a very weet year, we had at the beginning of the month temperature by and under zero degree. The other years only trough the months around 4 degree.




The middle of temperatures was around 8 degrees but the often under that line. Only in 2017 it was colder. But the tendency going up.
The hail was also a phenomenon. This may in 2018 wass very dry. We had only four days with high grad of rain.


In this year 2017 we had 13 days with hail. But it had not so high grad like this year 2018.

In the year 2007 we had 16 days of hail.

In 1997 and the years up to 2016 had more days with hail. Last year the hail lying in highest numbers around 14 Millimeter per squaremeters. Last year was one day with 32 mm. But the other days lying between 1 and 9 Millimeters. This year at the fiew days of hail there was only a maximum of 2 Millimeter per squaremeter.
We have a tendency to more dry years.
Lasst year we can`t planted our pumkinschoots before June because the nights had temperatures by night under 10 degrees. This year it was possible to planted in May. We where only late because of the examinations of our students.
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