Donnerstag, 19. April 2018
Our spring comes slowly up, 11:01h
Since the last weeks in Hamburg the spring started slowly. By day we have temperature by 20 and at night by 5 to7 degrees. The flowers and animal are confused. So we saw only some early spring flowers. The growing rates are very small.
Our "Rubus sectio Rubus" stared slowly two weeks ago, but grow really becuase the temperatures.

LAst week it was possible to see that the first energie gone into the bud from our wine from slovenia.

On thurday the 17.4.2017 we plant our new wine from the historic grapevine from Maribor which was brought from our collegues of the agriculture school there.

The students from Maribor showed us in November 2017 how to plant and how to cut the vine.
Now we hope that we don`t get some nights with frost.
Our apple-trees stared also with there first small buds.

Apple tree t 12.4.2018

In one week it`s growing only a little more.

Our "Rubus sectio Rubus" stared slowly two weeks ago, but grow really becuase the temperatures.

LAst week it was possible to see that the first energie gone into the bud from our wine from slovenia.

On thurday the 17.4.2017 we plant our new wine from the historic grapevine from Maribor which was brought from our collegues of the agriculture school there.

The students from Maribor showed us in November 2017 how to plant and how to cut the vine.
Now we hope that we don`t get some nights with frost.
Our apple-trees stared also with there first small buds.

Apple tree t 12.4.2018

In one week it`s growing only a little more.
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