Dienstag, 19. Juni 2018
5. day of Hamburger in Maribor 14.6.2018
Now we have the half of our jouney time to visit Maribor behind us.
At first we had a plenum at morning about what kind of work we have to do this day.

By night a cherry tree crashed by wind and oldnest.
Our students went there to saved the cherrys.

After collecting the cherrys they had to been opening up and wash.

Than they to be in the making of mixing an cooking.

After filtering and fill up,...

...the glasses with cherry jam got a button.

The glasses had stand with the button down to save the vaccum.

After cooling the glasses got price tags.
Yesterday we harvest the honey from krainer bees, today the students made also products from wax and with the honey. they mixed different types of contdiments into the honey. Mixed it gone creamy.

Another work was to finished the beehive pictures.

Some of our students cuted the price tags, not only for the jam also for the wax candles, honey and so on.

The candles was made from old wax. It was melted and filled in forms....

...or wax plate was rolled.

Students also made soaps and fill in pakets.

The honey glasses was puted into boxes to bring them to our stall by the school.

The other worked hard project and not for sale was the stone wall. Yesterday the stone don`t hold. Today we constructed the wall higher and it`s crashed down again.

We atted cement and sand for more stability and mixed up.

After all stress and two days hard work for the students it stands by the half.

Now the teachers know the technic and the problems so they will build the other part of wall after summer holidays.

After lunch our students drove with the train Jur`cek trough Maribor city.

The goal of the trip with the train was a special place on the other side of river Drava.

The bowling center was a pleasure for all.

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