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Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2018
Our pond a well of life in Hamburg 31.5.2018
meadowkids.eu, 17:15h
Four years ago we started with the construction of our orchard and our beekeeping. We saw that bees need water, like all kind of life! We dig with students a well. It was wide but not deep enough for ground water. This summer was hot and the well felled dry.
A year later we can dig the well deep enough for the ground water. Since this time we have allways a little of water inside and enough for the life. In the last three years the life at the well had a detonate growing.

Our new well 2014
You can see that at the shores around the well the life don`t started.
By this time a lot of poeple used the well as litter box.

Our well now in spring. The whole years it was full of water. You saw that the frogs let there it`s eggs.
the shores are green but you cant`see the water plants because it`s leafs are at this time not outside the water.
Now after four weeks with temperature between 24 and 33 degrees with a drop of rain. you can see the litter and the plant and also the animals. The pollywogs get the first legs at the rearbody and the prick go shorter.

the actually water level is generated from ground water.

You can see also a water earphone.
I`ve you look right at the leaf in the middle, you can see a dragonfly (Zarte Rubinjungfer – Ceriagrion tenellum)

One highlight in time we cleaning up the well, was that nice following animal. Years ago it was brought from ducks. Now it having it`s own family. The piscicola geometra.

A year later we can dig the well deep enough for the ground water. Since this time we have allways a little of water inside and enough for the life. In the last three years the life at the well had a detonate growing.

Our new well 2014
You can see that at the shores around the well the life don`t started.
By this time a lot of poeple used the well as litter box.

Our well now in spring. The whole years it was full of water. You saw that the frogs let there it`s eggs.
the shores are green but you cant`see the water plants because it`s leafs are at this time not outside the water.
Now after four weeks with temperature between 24 and 33 degrees with a drop of rain. you can see the litter and the plant and also the animals. The pollywogs get the first legs at the rearbody and the prick go shorter.

the actually water level is generated from ground water.

You can see also a water earphone.
I`ve you look right at the leaf in the middle, you can see a dragonfly (Zarte Rubinjungfer – Ceriagrion tenellum)

One highlight in time we cleaning up the well, was that nice following animal. Years ago it was brought from ducks. Now it having it`s own family. The piscicola geometra.

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Potato field in Hamburg 31.5.2018
meadowkids.eu, 16:44h
We are late but full of hope and power!
We started last week to cut the wildflowers on our potato field.

Today we leafed a parts of the hay and dig the field.

After all we plant schooted potatos.

Normally it´s need water, but we don`t have no water spring at our Orchard. We bring the water in bottles there. Our water we used for the pumkin seedings and the vine.
We hope that the weatherreport will be right and we get rain.
Inside the soil lines are the potatos.
We started last week to cut the wildflowers on our potato field.

Today we leafed a parts of the hay and dig the field.

After all we plant schooted potatos.

Normally it´s need water, but we don`t have no water spring at our Orchard. We bring the water in bottles there. Our water we used for the pumkin seedings and the vine.
We hope that the weatherreport will be right and we get rain.
Inside the soil lines are the potatos.
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Summerwork on Orchard in Hamburg 30.5.2018
meadowkids.eu, 16:17h
Yesterday we heard that this may is the warmest since 1889. The weather ist silly. In Hamburg we have 32 to 34 degrees, In Nordrhein-Westfalen the roads under water our closed with torrent.
Aftewr the fished exams we had tim e to work hard on our Orchard and we have a lot to do.
In a second wave we sowing the pumkin seeds.

This week the schoots where high enough. When the seed stems lie on the edge of the pot, they become rotten and the seedling dies.

For this reason we have stretched elastic bands around sticks.
Last week it`s was to small for the garden and the gardenbed was not already.

Our students work hard to get a bed free from goutweed (Aegopodium podagraria).

Today we planted the pumkinschoots in the gardenbed after cleaning was finished.

They superimpose the schoots in the bed.

A ring of soil save the freshwater for the schoots.

Also the stonewall growed and had nearly finished last week.

This week the temperature higher than last week, but the students worked hard to day.
They set the wall apart for planting south european herbs.

The wall was filled up to the highest level with cleaned soil.

Aftewr the fished exams we had tim e to work hard on our Orchard and we have a lot to do.
In a second wave we sowing the pumkin seeds.

This week the schoots where high enough. When the seed stems lie on the edge of the pot, they become rotten and the seedling dies.

For this reason we have stretched elastic bands around sticks.
Last week it`s was to small for the garden and the gardenbed was not already.

Our students work hard to get a bed free from goutweed (Aegopodium podagraria).

Today we planted the pumkinschoots in the gardenbed after cleaning was finished.

They superimpose the schoots in the bed.

A ring of soil save the freshwater for the schoots.

Also the stonewall growed and had nearly finished last week.

This week the temperature higher than last week, but the students worked hard to day.
They set the wall apart for planting south european herbs.

The wall was filled up to the highest level with cleaned soil.

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