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Montag, 23. April 2018
Pumpkin growsery Part 2
meadowkids.eu, 10:27h
few days after seeding our vegetables and Pumkin seeds and after a small phase of "sleeping" our seed "explode". Our " came "Pastinaca sativa" came late and not all but it grow.

Our "Beta vulgaris" strated at first and began in the last days more slowly to grow but the most of it.

Our Oilpumkin are the winner! In a few day they got 10 centimeters in length! Wow.
Now we wait, that we get Weather with constant over 10 degrees, so that our Pumkins will not died.

This actually pictures show the development of our seeds.
Thge next step will be dig the gardenbed for plant it. But on owing that our students have examniations we have to look if we get time.

Our "Beta vulgaris" strated at first and began in the last days more slowly to grow but the most of it.

Our Oilpumkin are the winner! In a few day they got 10 centimeters in length! Wow.
Now we wait, that we get Weather with constant over 10 degrees, so that our Pumkins will not died.

This actually pictures show the development of our seeds.
Thge next step will be dig the gardenbed for plant it. But on owing that our students have examniations we have to look if we get time.
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