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Mittwoch, 29. November 2017
meadowkids.eu, 22:37h
Our day started at 8:00am in the morning with a breakfast and a birthday surprise for Mr. Sievers, who celebrated 50 years - but if you ask me he looks more like 35 years old.:)
Well after all that we went to see the streets where Mr. Sievers was hanging around since he was a child plus some buildings and statues. When the tour of his childhood was done, we went to the Hostel to grab our stuff so we could go home (Slovenia), but before we went to the Hostel, we said our goodbyes to Mr. Sievers.
After that we went to the train station, where we almost took the wrong train, hahaha, but luckily, a young gentleman warned us that we’re on the wrong side of the train tracks, so we went to the other side, huh, thanks to him we caught our train just in time. When we arrived at the airport we had to wait 2 hours for the plane to arrive. It was a long to time to wait, but at least we had our phones with us so we weren’t bored. When the plane finally arrived, at 16:30 we were ready to board on the plane. The plane ride was 2 hours long. At 18:10 we finally arrived in Italy. From there we drove home with 2 cars. Our ride home was 4hours and 30 minutes long, but it was worth it because we missed our family’s too much and we couldn’t wait to see them. Well unfortunately this is the end of our journey or maybe not…:)

This text was written by: Mihael
Well after all that we went to see the streets where Mr. Sievers was hanging around since he was a child plus some buildings and statues. When the tour of his childhood was done, we went to the Hostel to grab our stuff so we could go home (Slovenia), but before we went to the Hostel, we said our goodbyes to Mr. Sievers.
After that we went to the train station, where we almost took the wrong train, hahaha, but luckily, a young gentleman warned us that we’re on the wrong side of the train tracks, so we went to the other side, huh, thanks to him we caught our train just in time. When we arrived at the airport we had to wait 2 hours for the plane to arrive. It was a long to time to wait, but at least we had our phones with us so we weren’t bored. When the plane finally arrived, at 16:30 we were ready to board on the plane. The plane ride was 2 hours long. At 18:10 we finally arrived in Italy. From there we drove home with 2 cars. Our ride home was 4hours and 30 minutes long, but it was worth it because we missed our family’s too much and we couldn’t wait to see them. Well unfortunately this is the end of our journey or maybe not…:)

This text was written by: Mihael
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meadowkids.eu, 21:24h
Well, here it is, the day 6 of our journey!
Our day started as usual with a breakfast but the only difference was, that this day was the last day with the German’s, because tomorrow we’re going home to Slovenia.:(
But enough about that, let’s get back to the story. After breakfast we went to the train station, so we could go to school to continue with our project, because today was the big fair (Herbstmarkt). When we arrived, we started to prepare for the fair. We had to act fast, because it was going to start at 10:00 o’clock. When the clock hit 10AM, we were ready for the fair!
At the fair they had a lot of different products, like: cookies, muffins, fried vegetables, soap, wreaths….The whole school, all the students in the school, presented a little bit of them selves. There were a lot of people, all asking us, where are we coming from, what are we doing here etc. A lot of them were surprised, how some of my classmates speak so good German!
At 13:00 o’clock the fair was done and we we’re finally free to do whatever we wanted to do! In this case we were pretty hungry, so we wanted to eat. After our delicious lunch we went to the city to have fun. I think we we’re there until 6PM.
The time run so fast and out we all meet in one location, so we could go home(hostel) together - of course with a train, I’m not walking home puff.:) In a hostel we arrived at 19:00 o’clock, but at 20:00 o’clock we already had dinner, so we didn’t have much time to relax. When the clock hit 19:45, we went to the Chinese restaurant to eat. We finished our dinner at 20:30, I think hahahah. So after the dinner the German’s friends went to the Hostel with us for one last goodbye.
I have to say it was really hard for us to say goodbye, but at least we had fun with them one last time. And we will see them in June 2018, when they will visit us!
After they left we prepared ourselves for the next day because tomorrow we are going home (Slovenia)!
On the School Market (Herbstmarkt):

Our pumpkin seeds from Maribor (with different flavours):

There were also other students presenting themselves:

Some of the guys (finally!) could use a good weather (not raining) and went to the meadow to build raised garden bed. How we did it, check hier: https://mariagribee.blogger.de/stories/2669607/.

Before we went, we say "Goodbye" to Hamburg!

This text was written by: Mihael
Our day started as usual with a breakfast but the only difference was, that this day was the last day with the German’s, because tomorrow we’re going home to Slovenia.:(
But enough about that, let’s get back to the story. After breakfast we went to the train station, so we could go to school to continue with our project, because today was the big fair (Herbstmarkt). When we arrived, we started to prepare for the fair. We had to act fast, because it was going to start at 10:00 o’clock. When the clock hit 10AM, we were ready for the fair!
At the fair they had a lot of different products, like: cookies, muffins, fried vegetables, soap, wreaths….The whole school, all the students in the school, presented a little bit of them selves. There were a lot of people, all asking us, where are we coming from, what are we doing here etc. A lot of them were surprised, how some of my classmates speak so good German!
At 13:00 o’clock the fair was done and we we’re finally free to do whatever we wanted to do! In this case we were pretty hungry, so we wanted to eat. After our delicious lunch we went to the city to have fun. I think we we’re there until 6PM.
The time run so fast and out we all meet in one location, so we could go home(hostel) together - of course with a train, I’m not walking home puff.:) In a hostel we arrived at 19:00 o’clock, but at 20:00 o’clock we already had dinner, so we didn’t have much time to relax. When the clock hit 19:45, we went to the Chinese restaurant to eat. We finished our dinner at 20:30, I think hahahah. So after the dinner the German’s friends went to the Hostel with us for one last goodbye.
I have to say it was really hard for us to say goodbye, but at least we had fun with them one last time. And we will see them in June 2018, when they will visit us!
After they left we prepared ourselves for the next day because tomorrow we are going home (Slovenia)!
On the School Market (Herbstmarkt):

Our pumpkin seeds from Maribor (with different flavours):

There were also other students presenting themselves:

Some of the guys (finally!) could use a good weather (not raining) and went to the meadow to build raised garden bed. How we did it, check hier: https://mariagribee.blogger.de/stories/2669607/.

Before we went, we say "Goodbye" to Hamburg!

This text was written by: Mihael
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meadowkids.eu, 21:05h
Our day started early in the morning with a breakfast as usual. We drove to school with a train. When we finally arrived, we started working as usual. After our work we went to the cafeteria at 13:00 o’clock to eat lunch. Well I have to say that basically everyday we had the same program: we started with the startup projects (where we had lot of fun working with the Germans) and afternoon was reserved for "free time activities".
Well enough about my point of view, let’s get back to the story.:)
After lunch we went ice skating at 16:00 o’clock and we finished ice skating at 17:00 o’clock so we had plenty of time to enjoy. After ice skating we went home(hostel) with the German’s to have some fun. At 19:00 o’clock we went to the Turkish restaurant to eat something - we we’re very tired and hungry. Everybody ordered the food for themselves.
After the restaurant we went home(hostel) to get ready for the next day because tomorrow is going to be a new hardworking day.

Ice skating:

Finally, a group photo!!!!:) Smileeeee

This text was written by: Mihael
Well enough about my point of view, let’s get back to the story.:)
After lunch we went ice skating at 16:00 o’clock and we finished ice skating at 17:00 o’clock so we had plenty of time to enjoy. After ice skating we went home(hostel) with the German’s to have some fun. At 19:00 o’clock we went to the Turkish restaurant to eat something - we we’re very tired and hungry. Everybody ordered the food for themselves.
After the restaurant we went home(hostel) to get ready for the next day because tomorrow is going to be a new hardworking day.

Ice skating:

Finally, a group photo!!!!:) Smileeeee

This text was written by: Mihael
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meadowkids.eu, 20:55h
Well, our day started as usual in the morning with the breakfast and getting ready to go to school. When we arrived at school, I said "Another day of working".:) Me and other youngsters were at their usual working group, like yesterday, preparing products for the market on the Saturday.
At 13:30 we ate pizza, that we prepared ourselves! After pizza we had our free time to explore the city or... Me and my new good friend Pascal went to the Hostel to watch Warcraft(movie).
After the movie all of us went to Mr.Sievers’s garage to watch the movie called Sing - I have to say it was a pretty good movie plus we ate pizza again, yeeeey.:)
When the movie was over, we helped to clean up the mess that we all made. After the cleaning up, we went home(Hostel) to prepare for the next day.
But before we went to sleep, me and my classmates talked about how is it working with German people and they said that it was really funny, interesting, exciting….
Pumpkin seeds group:

Hmmmm, doing cookies:

Chips group:

Pizza in the making:

Apple rings for the apple chips:

Working all together:

A walk through Altona and "Garage Cinema":

This text was written by: Mihael
At 13:30 we ate pizza, that we prepared ourselves! After pizza we had our free time to explore the city or... Me and my new good friend Pascal went to the Hostel to watch Warcraft(movie).
After the movie all of us went to Mr.Sievers’s garage to watch the movie called Sing - I have to say it was a pretty good movie plus we ate pizza again, yeeeey.:)
When the movie was over, we helped to clean up the mess that we all made. After the cleaning up, we went home(Hostel) to prepare for the next day.
But before we went to sleep, me and my classmates talked about how is it working with German people and they said that it was really funny, interesting, exciting….
Pumpkin seeds group:

Hmmmm, doing cookies:

Chips group:

Pizza in the making:

Apple rings for the apple chips:

Working all together:

A walk through Altona and "Garage Cinema":

This text was written by: Mihael
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