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Samstag, 25. November 2017
meadowkids.eu, 14:33h
We started our day as usual. We all meet in the school and we started working in a different groups (the way Start-Up project works).
In the StartUp project there were many different groups: Cookie group, apple ring group, chips group, gummy bear group, meadow group and of course how can we forget the documentation group (our job is to share our adventures with you, readers:). All these different groups had their own tasks to do, as well as we did in the documentation group. After the groups finished their job, we all went to eat lunch. When we finished our meal, we went to the train station so the train could drive us to the MiniGolf. When we finally arrived at the golf playground we divides in 5 groups. I have to say, that it was very fun playing golf with my new friends. Of course it was very stressful (competitively oriented:) playing golf but at least we had a lot of fun.
After golf we went to the restaurant to eat because we were pretty hungry. We ate stuffed potatoes with vegetables, dressing, meat… When we were finally done with our meal, we went home (hotel), the one from Rissen to their homes, so we could prepare ourselves for the next day.
Cookie Group:

Apple ring group:

Gummy bear group:

Chips and chocolate group:

This text was written by: Mihael
In the StartUp project there were many different groups: Cookie group, apple ring group, chips group, gummy bear group, meadow group and of course how can we forget the documentation group (our job is to share our adventures with you, readers:). All these different groups had their own tasks to do, as well as we did in the documentation group. After the groups finished their job, we all went to eat lunch. When we finished our meal, we went to the train station so the train could drive us to the MiniGolf. When we finally arrived at the golf playground we divides in 5 groups. I have to say, that it was very fun playing golf with my new friends. Of course it was very stressful (competitively oriented:) playing golf but at least we had a lot of fun.
After golf we went to the restaurant to eat because we were pretty hungry. We ate stuffed potatoes with vegetables, dressing, meat… When we were finally done with our meal, we went home (hotel), the one from Rissen to their homes, so we could prepare ourselves for the next day.
Cookie Group:

Apple ring group:

Gummy bear group:

Chips and chocolate group:

This text was written by: Mihael
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