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Sonntag, 30. Juli 2017
We planted a project “We can bee friendlier to the nature”
meadowkids.eu, 20:36h
Dear readers!
We believe that learning has no borders and can take place every second. We learn in the school, we learn on the way to school, when we take a walk in the forest, when we meet with friends, when we cook, or even when we get ourselves a chance exploring unknown.
We´ve learned that having a school partner in Maribor (Slovenia) would improve every day schooling to a more exciting one. Being keen on exploring countries outside our borders, brought us to the project “We can bee friendlier to the nature”.
Pupils from the Stadtteilschule Rissen (to check more, click: http://www.stadtteilschule-rissen.de/) in Hamburg and pupils from Biotehniška šola Maribor (to check more, click: http://www.bts.si/) will meet together on this blog to exchange their learning goals, learning achievements, new ideas, and new discoveries.

The main goal of a joint project is to provide the pupils with a deeper understanding of global and ecological correlations. The pupils both in Maribor and Hamburg execute working processes in the field of horticulture and landscaping. With the help of the crops (pumpkins and vine) we will gather and compare weather and climate data as well as samples of soil. Furthermore, harvest results also serve useful information for comparisons.
Additionally, the learners receive the possibility to choose further crops, which will be sown out, planted and harvested. These crops will be used to produce their own products, which must be promoted and sold on the free market.
The pupils also get the chance to take care of the bee colonies from their own beekeeping in order to gather honey as well as ensure the maintenance of the endangered honeybee.
During mutual visits (for example: from 20th do 26th November 14 Youngsters from Maribor will travel to Hamburg) in both countries the learners will be able to get to know each other as well as the different environments and working techniques.
All in all, the practice-oriented approach of this project aims to influence and change the attitudes and courses of actions of all participants strongly regarding ecological and social responsibilities.
We are excited that youngsters will be sharing their project´s experiences with you, dear readers. So stay tuned and bee friendly to each other and to the nature.
PS: This project is supported from you, from our youngsters, from our crazy teachers, from Stadtteilschule Rissen and Biotehniška šola Maribor and European Union – Program Erasmus Plus.

We believe that learning has no borders and can take place every second. We learn in the school, we learn on the way to school, when we take a walk in the forest, when we meet with friends, when we cook, or even when we get ourselves a chance exploring unknown.
We´ve learned that having a school partner in Maribor (Slovenia) would improve every day schooling to a more exciting one. Being keen on exploring countries outside our borders, brought us to the project “We can bee friendlier to the nature”.
Pupils from the Stadtteilschule Rissen (to check more, click: http://www.stadtteilschule-rissen.de/) in Hamburg and pupils from Biotehniška šola Maribor (to check more, click: http://www.bts.si/) will meet together on this blog to exchange their learning goals, learning achievements, new ideas, and new discoveries.

The main goal of a joint project is to provide the pupils with a deeper understanding of global and ecological correlations. The pupils both in Maribor and Hamburg execute working processes in the field of horticulture and landscaping. With the help of the crops (pumpkins and vine) we will gather and compare weather and climate data as well as samples of soil. Furthermore, harvest results also serve useful information for comparisons.
Additionally, the learners receive the possibility to choose further crops, which will be sown out, planted and harvested. These crops will be used to produce their own products, which must be promoted and sold on the free market.
The pupils also get the chance to take care of the bee colonies from their own beekeeping in order to gather honey as well as ensure the maintenance of the endangered honeybee.
During mutual visits (for example: from 20th do 26th November 14 Youngsters from Maribor will travel to Hamburg) in both countries the learners will be able to get to know each other as well as the different environments and working techniques.
All in all, the practice-oriented approach of this project aims to influence and change the attitudes and courses of actions of all participants strongly regarding ecological and social responsibilities.
We are excited that youngsters will be sharing their project´s experiences with you, dear readers. So stay tuned and bee friendly to each other and to the nature.
PS: This project is supported from you, from our youngsters, from our crazy teachers, from Stadtteilschule Rissen and Biotehniška šola Maribor and European Union – Program Erasmus Plus.

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