Dienstag, 22. Mai 2018
Weatherreport April 2018 Hamburg
The april is a month where the weather is going up and down. We had some days with heavy rainfall and some days with highest temperatures up to 27 degree. By the 20.4. we had the highest temperature and it following down by night to 15 degrees. This switching make it unpossible to plant out the pumpkin spoots.

highest temperatures April 2018

the lowest temperatures 2018

hail in April 2018

If we take a look at the haildays we see, that last year was very wet with maximum days 20 with hail. Also this days had a large amount of water. This year and last year had days with 13 mm Rainfall. The last decades had maxium by 10 mm per day.

highest temperatures in 2017

If we look at the highest temperature trough the last decades we can see that the temperature rise from year to year. The highest temperature this year in april was 27 degree. In 2017 only 19 but it wa sa rany month. In 2007 we had 18 degree as hih as possible. In 1997 we had only 16 degree as the highest temperature.

lowest temperature 2017

The lowest night temperatures are waving between -,2 and zero degrees in the decades. the same effect we can see by the highest temperature in the wave of lowest temperatures. They wave over the decades between 7,9 degree and 12 degree.In small step get the count of peaks in the waves up. from 7 in 1997 to 10 and 9 in 2017/18. The peaks by the highest temperature gone more less. Whereas in 1997 10 days with rising temperatures are in 2017/18 less like 9 and 8 peaks.
The current trend is, that the different between the lowest temperatures per days at month raised. If we get the highest low temperature in 2018 and the highest day temperature at the same year, we see 14,7 degree different. In 1996 that are only 5,8 degree.

hail April 2017

highest temperatures April 2007


lowest temperatures April 2007

hail April 2007

highest temperatures April 1997


lowest temperatures April 1997

hail April 1997


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